Friday, January 26, 2007

Ode to a Laptop

I had the intention of writing a poem about my lovely new Dell Inspiron 640m, but then I remembered I had no skill with the english language when it is put in verse form. No, I'm better with prose. Even if I can't spell.

On to the point. My lovely new laptop, who is as of yet nameless, is the gestest thing ever. I've been in class for over 90 minutes running purly on the battery with the wireless running and I have 61% of the battery left. 3:19 hours! Left -swoon-

Baby, the former laptop which now sits rather pathtically upside down next to my bed, could only dream of having a battery life of 3:19 minutes, let along having that much juice left after running for nearly 2 hours!

This computer is so worth being broke for the next two years while I pay it off.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

"I can't feel my toes. Or my nose. I can't feel my toes or my nose."

It's cold.

About 2 weeks ago, Winter finally got its lazy ass out of bed and came to Toronto. Apparently Winter didn't want to get out of bed cause he is cranky and he has a bitter sense of humor. It is insanly cold outside. Its -13C with wind speeds at 48 K/h. It feels like -20C with the bloody windchill. Tonorrow is going to be colder. -17C. I actually have to leave the house tomorrow to go to class. I'm knitting a wool hat so my ears don't fall off tomorrow while I'm waiting for the bus. I'm mildly allergic to wool, but so desperate am I to keep my oh-so-cute ears attached to my head, that I am willing to suffer an insane amount of itchiness and splochiness (I made up a new word!).

This is not the point of my blog. The point is that it is so cold, I had to take a blow dryer to my window. I have this habit of opening my window a crack to let some fresh air in so I can actually breathe. Last night I forgot to close it and it froze in the open position. I woke up very very cold. I could not feel my toes. Or my nose. I told my mother so when I crawled out of my igloo.

I put on a sweater and curled up in my blankets again but I was still cold. It was time for drastic measures. I broke out the hair dryer. I sat there with my hated hair dryer and thawed my window. Yeah, Its that cold.

I Love Canada........

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Me and my big ideas.

I have this thing where I go through phases. You know how little kids go through the "I'm a princess" or "I'm superman" phase. Only my phases can't be blamed on a child imagination. Or maybe thay can. Perhaps I never learned that technically not everything is possible and yes I can be a princess if I want to. Though I did learn the I can't be a member of Jem and the holograms lesson and I will never date Lance Bass (but thats cause he plays for the other team and I still seceretly hold out hope for Justin.)

Right now my phase is knitting in the round. I can't stop. I'm making bags and headbands and cases galore. I'm running out of ideas. Now for a normal person this would signal the end of a phase.,but oh ho, not me. No I'm the strange person who will not end a phase until I'm good and damn ready and I won't let a little like a missing craft muse (Her name is Steph. She's a bit of a drunk.) stop me. Right now I am knitting a pirate themed mini purse because I have grown tired of the hot pink, fuzzy trimmed one I made last week.


All things come in threes and that includes ill fortune. At least in my life. Today wasn't a particularly bad day. It wasn't a good day. It was just a blah day with some crappy moments.

1. I had to babysit a child with an attention span even shorter than mine. 'Melissa put on your coat.' 'Ok. How come my coat is purple? Do you have purple shoes? Why are you wearing boots?' I had this conversation... Also since I was minding the rugrat my laundry still isn't done.

2. I knit a case for my laptop. Nothing particularly fancy, just a little bag-like thing that would keep it insulated and dust free. After working on it for the better part of two weeks (I had to rip it out twice.) I finish it and it's too small. It bites and I'm in mourning. I ate a container of hagen daaz as a way to dorwn my sorrows. Now I feel sick, but thats not part of the three cause I did that myself.

3. I smashed my thumb in to my desk and cracked the nail past the quick. it hurts and my nail is very ugly. I painted it but it's still ugly.

Yes I know. I'm shallow and whiney. Don't care. My thumb hurts and I want to whine.

On a happier note, I found my second favourite shirt today. The Favourite is still missing though.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


(this was previously posted on my MySpace account but i felt the need to move it over since I had another incident today.)

Seriously. Stop it.

I am tired of people pitying me. Seriously. Get over it. I am allergic to the most common subtance in food. Deal with it. I'm tired of being looked at like someone with a terminal diease because I'm allergic to pepper. It's not the end of the world! It's not like I have cancer or diabetes. Pity those people not me! Actually don't pity them. Pity does nobody any good. Offer them your prayers. Thats a much better use of engery.

As for me, I'm over it. Why bring it up over and over again? I'm relived to know about the allergy. Life was far more difficult before when I was choking whenever I ate. I was choking for years and I prayed for an answer. More than half a dozen doctors couldn't figure it out until I started praying for a solution. Lo and behold, I figured it out on my own and it could have been much much worse. I could have had a narrowing of the esphogus, it could have been a tumor, it could have been a chronic swelling, or any number of dieases. It was none of those horrible things. It was a simple allergy. Yeah, it makes things more difficult but I'm not going to the hospital in the back of an ambulance anymore.

Ok that one time in June but that soooooo wasn't my fault. The label said it was just plain tomatoes!

I'm done ranting now. This really doesn't affect anyone who would actually read this but I felt the need to rant. Thanks for putting up with me :p

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I heart my job

I got paid 60 bucks to spent 6 hours watching movies with a very cool lady with a very cute dog while crafting various items. And the best part is its on Queen st. I adore Queen st. Its my favourite place on the planet and now I have an excuse to go down there every week and I get paid for it!!!!! Next week after work im going to take the streetcar over to Bathrust and go to the yarn shops after work. I'm tres excited.

now I have to make pizza before greys starts.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Welcome to Contained Chaos

After years of bouncing on and off the blog/no blog fence, I finally glue my butt to it and started a desginated blog. This is it people. No more MySpace blog, Facebook notes or the non exsistant livejournal account that I haven't actually logged on to in about 4 years.

Here is where you can get your dose of Wacky Michela-ness, your share of rants and rambles and your fill of spelling errors and typos. Now, since today is Wednesday and I have yet to vacate my bedroom due to my decision to skip Media Representation this afternoon, I have very little to say at the moment. Stay Tuned though for the late breaking information that I'm sure I'll have eventually