Sunday, January 21, 2007


All things come in threes and that includes ill fortune. At least in my life. Today wasn't a particularly bad day. It wasn't a good day. It was just a blah day with some crappy moments.

1. I had to babysit a child with an attention span even shorter than mine. 'Melissa put on your coat.' 'Ok. How come my coat is purple? Do you have purple shoes? Why are you wearing boots?' I had this conversation... Also since I was minding the rugrat my laundry still isn't done.

2. I knit a case for my laptop. Nothing particularly fancy, just a little bag-like thing that would keep it insulated and dust free. After working on it for the better part of two weeks (I had to rip it out twice.) I finish it and it's too small. It bites and I'm in mourning. I ate a container of hagen daaz as a way to dorwn my sorrows. Now I feel sick, but thats not part of the three cause I did that myself.

3. I smashed my thumb in to my desk and cracked the nail past the quick. it hurts and my nail is very ugly. I painted it but it's still ugly.

Yes I know. I'm shallow and whiney. Don't care. My thumb hurts and I want to whine.

On a happier note, I found my second favourite shirt today. The Favourite is still missing though.

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