Saturday, January 20, 2007


(this was previously posted on my MySpace account but i felt the need to move it over since I had another incident today.)

Seriously. Stop it.

I am tired of people pitying me. Seriously. Get over it. I am allergic to the most common subtance in food. Deal with it. I'm tired of being looked at like someone with a terminal diease because I'm allergic to pepper. It's not the end of the world! It's not like I have cancer or diabetes. Pity those people not me! Actually don't pity them. Pity does nobody any good. Offer them your prayers. Thats a much better use of engery.

As for me, I'm over it. Why bring it up over and over again? I'm relived to know about the allergy. Life was far more difficult before when I was choking whenever I ate. I was choking for years and I prayed for an answer. More than half a dozen doctors couldn't figure it out until I started praying for a solution. Lo and behold, I figured it out on my own and it could have been much much worse. I could have had a narrowing of the esphogus, it could have been a tumor, it could have been a chronic swelling, or any number of dieases. It was none of those horrible things. It was a simple allergy. Yeah, it makes things more difficult but I'm not going to the hospital in the back of an ambulance anymore.

Ok that one time in June but that soooooo wasn't my fault. The label said it was just plain tomatoes!

I'm done ranting now. This really doesn't affect anyone who would actually read this but I felt the need to rant. Thanks for putting up with me :p

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