Friday, December 21, 2007


Christmas is 4 days away. Now I should be mildly freaked because I have yet to finish knitting one a gift, there is half decorated gingerbread house on my dining room table, I haven't done laundry in nearly two weeks and I'm booked up between now and the 28th. I'm not freaking though because of the simple fact that I ONLY have one project to finish, the gingerbread house of baked, build and half decorated, laundry is easy and I have finished all my Christmas shopping. I didn't have much to buy this year, thank goodness, but it still took a while because my grandparents are quite the challenge. But lets be honest, no one has an easy time shopping for grandparents. I went the practical route thus year. Gran wanted double sided photo frames in silver, grampa wanted socks. Seriously, socks. They man lives in Barbados, on a golf course, own a race horse, and own suits worth more than every article of clothing I've ever own, EVER, and when asked what he was hoping for this Christmas, he said socks. The first conversation went like this:

Me: So Grampa, what did you tell Gran you wanted for Christmas
Grampa: Peace
Me: Well she might have a hard time wrapping that.
Grampa: But its what I want.

Realizing I had reached a dead end. I turned to my grandmother. I asked her what grampa wants because Gran knows everything. She said socks. My impossible to shop for, has everything, hates clutter grandfather wants socks in light brown and dark brown. So that's what grampa is getting. Four pairs of socks. Had I known earlier I would have knit him a pair. Oh well, maybe next year.

I'm off, time to do a load of laundry and make some royal icing for the gingerbread house

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