Thursday, December 13, 2007

Update: SUCCESS!

SUCCESS! The time is 2:08 am EST on December 13 2007, and I am done my ginormous research project! AND! It's done a full 36 hours before the due date! AND! its a whole page over the required amount meaning I have made serious progress as a student. today, all I have to do is edit, and write a measly 1200 word take home exam. But now I'm just jinxed it but I don't care! I too happy being done the ginormous research project to let anything bring me down. Seriously, if there were any mike's hard in the house right now and it weren't past 2 in the morning I'd be downstairs doing a serious happy dance.

Happy Thing: Finishing ginormous papers! Boo ya!!!

(OK I cheated a little, I'll do another F next post)

By the way, if you aren't watching Pushing Daisies yet, what the crap is wrong with you?! Start now damnit!

If you are: first, you are awesome. Second, Holy Crap! Did you see that coming?

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